Destroy - определение. Что такое Destroy
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Что (кто) такое Destroy - определение

Destroy (disambiguation)

v. a.
Demolish, overturn, overthrow, subvert, raze, ruin, throw down, pull down, break up, sap the foundations of.
Annihilate, quench, take away, put an end to, bring to nought.
Waste, ravage, desolate, devastate, devour, lay waste, make desolate, swallow up, ravage with fire and sword.
Extirpate, eradicate, uproot, kill, slay, extinguish, carry off, root out, grub up, pluck up by the roots, cut up root and branch, strike at the root of, give a death-blow to, scatter to the winds.
·vt To put an end to the existence, prosperity, or beauty of; to Kill.
II. Destroy ·vt To Ruin; to bring to naught; to put an end to; to Annihilate; to Consume.
III. Destroy ·vt To Unbuild; to pull or tear down; to separate virulently into its constituent parts; to break up the structure and organic existence of; to Demolish.
¦ verb
1. put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.
ruin emotionally or spiritually.
2. kill (an animal) by humane means.
ME: from OFr. destruire, based on L. destruct-, destruere, from de- (expressing reversal) + struere 'build'.



Destroy may refer to:

  • Destroy (album), a 2004 album by Ektomorf
  • Destroy!, a Minneapolis Crust punk band
  • Destroy!!, a comic book by Scott McCloud
Примеры произношения для Destroy
1. Destroy him! I will destroy him!
The fall (2006)
2. destroy me.
From the Beach to the Boardroom to a Billion and Beyond _ Kathy Ireland _ Talks at Google
3. destroy itself.
The Bet - Our Gamble for Earth's Future _ Paul Sabin _ Talks at Google
4. destroy it?
Goal Play _ Paul Levy _ Talks at Google
5. destroy themselves?
Liberty in North Korea _ Hannah Song & Joseph Kim _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Destroy
1. "Whoever threatens to destroy Israel, Israel has to destroy," Malka said.
2. Good thinking, to destroy the language, is to destroy the nation.
3. "If they dump too much water, it will just destroy our soils and destroy our crops," Fix said.
4. "It could destroy the union" and, worse, the government could use it to "destroy the public sector", he added.
5. When they saw it was pointless trying to destroy my mind, they attempted to destroy my body.